Wednesday, August 5, 2009

World Photovoltaic Solar Panel Market Share


According to this 2007 chart, German and Spain held nearly 75% of the world's photovoltaic solar market output. This is due to aggressive plans by both countries to install significant amounts of photovoltaic solar systems.

Even church leaders and the Pope are noticing the need to install solar ( They see the economic and environmental benefit, both of which have never been better and are encouraging investors in Germany to invest in solar (New York Times). 

Similar changes to renewable energy will happen throughout Europe, especially with countries such as Spain, France, Italy, and Greece copying Germany’s solar rebate program. This is in hopes for the country’s to reach their goal of generating 12.5% of their electricity from renewable sources, such as photovoltaic solar panel systems. 

The world photovoltaic market share is shifting. <read more about world photovoltaic solar panel market share>

Brandon Best


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